Janne Kalliola, Chief Growth Officer at Exove, focuses on creating growth with sales, client work, and recruiting. Prior the current role, Janne was the CEO of Exove for 16 years. Prior to Exove, he worked as Director of Product Development at Continuent, leading the product development activities and process development.

Before joining Continuent, Janne worked in similar role in First Hop and prior to that as Head Software Architect, being responsible for the architectural design of First Hop software products and components.

Janne has also worked as software designer and programmer in HUT's laboratories of Media Technology and Graphic Arts. In 1998, he worked as software engineer at SSH Communications Security.

Janne's current technical interests include Internet content optimisation technologies, XML in electronic publishing, distributed Internet applications and design patterns for high volume Internet servers.

Janne has received his Licentiate of Science degree in Media Technology in 2000 and Master of Science degree in Computer Science in 1999, both from Helsinki University of Technology (HUT).

He continues to research on improving quality of dynamic publishing systems at the Laboratory of Media Technology. He has given several presentations about multichannel publishing in both scientific and commercial conferences.

Janne acts also as lecturer at several HUT courses, such as "XML-based Description Languages" and "Publishing Technology". He has also teached XML and electronic publishing at the Häme Polytechnic and at Dipoli, HUT's Lifelong Learning Institute. He has written several book reviews and articles on XML and Java to Tietokone, the leading Finnish magazine for computer experts.

Janne is one of the founders of DOT, Club for Digital Media, an association at HUT, as well as DOE, an academic excursion group. He has acted several years as the chairman and a member of the board in both organisations.